Thursday, December 8, 2016


Over the past couple of years, the need for a college degree has increased. College is not the route that everyone goes after high school because it may not be for them but then they are those that do go to college. The pros of obtaining a college degree is mainly focused on money for most people. College graduates earn sixty percent more money than those who do not have a college degree. But college is not for everyone, and most that do not go to college go into the military after high school or go straight into the work force. A degree does not necessarily mean that students have to go to school for four years. Some schools offer a two year program in order to get the degree that they need.
There are many pros to having a college degree, such as a higher paying job. The student also is exposed to a lot more opportunities through their years of getting an education. But with pros, there are cons. Having a college degree does not mean that you are going to get a job straight out of college. Many students are left jobless because the degree that they have, is not needed. Many students go into college and focus on a degree that is needed when they enter college but then when they get out, all the jobs are filled.
              The workforce is going to pick up over the next couple of years because so many people are going to college. Just as college degrees were in demand these past couple of years, the need for people in the workforce will arise as well.
            Education should be demanded at a certain extinct. Such as, maybe not forcing students to get a four year degree when the degree can easily be obtained in less time. They should also focus less on main courses such as math, science, English and history and focus more on teaching the students the necessities to do the job that they are going to be doing when they graduate. While those main classes are needed to a certain extinct, I don’t believe that a Math major needs to be required to take four classes of science and history in order to graduate. They should focus mainly on their degree.

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